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Best Care

Since 1961

best in area

Offering top quality Prosthetic and Orthotic care in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin for patients with limb loss, stroke, cerebral palsy and diabetes. 

How Can We Help?

Whether you're a new amputee navigating the complexities of prosthetic options or a long-time user seeking an upgrade, we offer comprehensive assistance. Our experienced professionals work closely with clients to assess their individual needs, ensuring a tailored approach to prosthetic care.

amputee running
Prosthetic arm

Why are we the best

At Northern Prosthetics & Orthopedic, what truly sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to personalized care and innovation.  Experience the Northern Prosthetics & Orthopedic difference today.

hand touching prosthetic hand

Personalized Care

With over 60 years of dedicated service, Northern Prosthetics & Orthopedic boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals. We take the time to listen to your specific needs and design custom prosthetic and orthotic solutions tailored to your individual requirements, ensuring a comfortable fit and optimal functionality.

3D Printing

Cutting-Edge Technology

We are committed to staying at the forefront of the field, consistently investing in the latest advancements in prosthetic and orthotic technology. Our state-of-the-art facilities and innovative techniques allow us to provide you with the most advanced and effective solutions available, enhancing your quality of life.

Prosthetic Check up

Comprehensive Support

Our dedication to your well-being doesn't end with the fitting of your prosthetic or orthotic device. We offer ongoing support, follow-up care, and adjustments to ensure that you achieve the best possible outcomes. You can trust us to be with you every step of the way on your journey towards improved mobility and comfort.

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Why Choose Us?

Choose us for unrivaled expertise, compassionate care, and innovative prosthetic solutions that cater to your individual needs, ensuring a transformative and empowering experience.


We provide treatment for patients with upper and lower limb amputations. We also provide our expertise of the best possible biomechanical outcomes.


With our ongoing learning and regular follow-ups , we ensure the best rehabilitation outcomes for our patients. 


Our Practitioners are certified in all the advanced technology including Microprocessor Lower Limb Prosthetics and Myoelectric Upper Limb Prosthetics.

Patient Stories

Amputee Athlete

Hello, my name is Kevin Carroll. I lost my leg above the knee in a 2003 Motorcycle accident while living in Florida. I moved back to Illinois in 2006 and started looking for a new Prosthetics and Orthopedic company to replace my prosthesis. After over a year of interviewing different companies I found Northern Prosthetics and Orthopedic Inc. right here in Rockford, IL. I found the perfect fit for me. Tina was such a great help with dealing with the insurance.

Advanced Prosthetics Trial Clinics 

Prosthetic hand


Advanced Upper Limb and Lower Limb Prosthetic Clinic 

​The purpose of these advanced clinics is to provide the patients with options that were not previously available to them.
Patients will be seen and re-evaluated by the team of experts. 



Below Knee Amputees using Transtibial Prosthesis


You will be able to try all the new technology available in prosthetic feet and ankle systems including the Microprocessor and hydraulic technology.




Upper Limb Amputees - Partial Fingers, Below Elbow and Above Elbow Level.


If you have any level of limb loss ranging from partial hand loss to shoulder level amputation, you will have access to the best expertise and prosthetic care plan.



Above Knee Amputees using Transfemoral Prosthesis.


You will be able to try out a range of more advanced prosthetic knees and microprocessor Ankle foot technology.



Patients who have suffered Stroke, Paraplegia or any other condition affecting their walking. 


You would be assessed for the various options in orthotic designs and care to help you get back to rehabilitated.  We will access you for advanced technology in lower limb Orthotics. 

Would you like to receive a complimentary in-person or online consultation with our clinical team?  Please contact us

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